MOD Awardees Profile プロフィール

氏名:宮内 栄作
Name:Eisaku Miyauchi
Current working institution (Department / Section):Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tohoku University
Institution where employed when he/she went abroad for MOD:/Oncology, The University of Chicago / Department of hematology

Graduate school:Yamagata University
研修先(MOD institution):シカゴ大学血液腫瘍内科Department of hematology/Oncology, The University of Chicago
研究室(Laboratory at MOD institution):中村祐輔研究室Yusuke Nakamura Laboratory
メンター(Mentor):中村祐輔教授/ Professor Jyoti D. Patel

研究テーマ(Research theme):
TCR repertoire in lung adenocarcinoma and Colorectal cancer 肺腺癌と大腸癌におけるT細胞受容体のレパトア解析
研究成果(Research result) -Article/Presentation at the congress論文・学会発表-:as of Mar, 2019
1)Significant differences in T cell receptor repertoires in lung adenocarcinomas with and without epidermal growth factor receptor mutations. Miyauchi E, Matsuda T, Kiyotani K, Low SK, Hsu YW, Tsukita Y, Ichinose M, Sakurada A, Okada Y, Saito R, Nakamura Y. Cancer Sci. 2019 Mar;110(3):867-874.
2)TCR sequencing analysis of cancer tissues and tumor draining lymph nodes in colorectal cancer patients. Matsuda T, Miyauchi E, Hsu YW, Nagayama S, Kiyotani K, Zewde M, Park JH, Kato T, Harada M, Matsui S, Ueno M, Fukuda K, Suzuki N, Hazama S, Nagano H, Takeuchi H, Vigneswaran WT, Kitagawa Y, Nakamura Y. Oncoimmunology. 2019 Mar 22;8(6):e1588085.